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Sure, I've been ridiculously busy working on the next big project called The Duel which launched this weekend, but apparently not too busy to create another shirt design. As usual, no idea who the model is. And also as usual, the shirt’s available at Store of David.
P.S. Yeah, I know what the circled U means. Called “irony,” look it up.
good lord - it took me forever to figure out what the milk carton was. i like the u.
You are a dork.
What's worse than a dork? I still don't get it. I even had to look up the circled u in Wikipedia.
One of the laws of Kosher is never eating milk and meat together. That's what the shirt's all about. The circled U tells you that whatever product it's on contains no milk or meat-derived products. It's a Chosen People thing. I should just stick to making fun of Jesus. More people will get it. By the way, What did Jesus say when he was being Crucified?
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