Sunday, December 10, 2006


Click on picture to enlarge.

Click on picture for close-up.

The 2nd in my E.L.O. series. Took me a while to do the six illustrations for each letter but I think I got the cheesy vintage postcard feel I was going for, albeit with a slightly updated twist. It skews a bit clip-arty at times, but I’m hoping that lends to the cheese factor. I thought about aging and distressing the image to make it look like an authentic postcard, but I decided to keep with my flat, graphic style.

Comments? Suggestions? Visual ideas for other E.L.O. songs?


Wm. said...

I like it. I think you're right about not aging it.

chosen©er said...

I thought you, of all people, would appreciate the tiger-striped outfit.

Wm. said...

You know I've only seen the movie once.