Monday, December 18, 2006

Strange Magic

Click on picture to enlarge.

Click on picture for close-up.

With the exception of Xanadu, I’ve noticed that all of these have taken on a dark feel to them. Not that that’s a bad thing, I suppose.


Wm. said...

Blood? Guns? Dropping pie-annas? Are you a serial illustrationist?

I'm dreadfully sorry. I couldn't help myself.

chosen©er said...

No no, it's cool. Let's see how many puns we can write before someone pukes.

Call me The Killustrator.

Your turn.

Wm. said...

You know, when I typed "illustrationist" it just didn't sound right. But I looked at it and looked at it and couldn't figure out what was wrong. Now it is painfully obvious I made up a word.

I've sat and thought about the puns but can't come up with anything. My brain hurts. It'll have to come out.