Sunday, June 25, 2006


So this illustrator Brian Taylor sat down one day and said, “I'm gonna create a CG movie using only off-the-shelf animation and design programs.” This site takes you through his entire process. You get to see concept drawings, test animations and clips from the final movie - which is still in progress. It’s truly amazing that this guy basically taught himself how to do all this stuff. It’s also amazing that what started out as a hobby has turned into a full-time gig mainly due to a growing loyal following. And the movie looks like it’s going to be wonderful. Like early Tim Burton (an obvious influence). If you go to the Rustboy website, go straight to the MOVIES section. Truly amazing stuff there. He’s also selling a Rustboy vinyl doll that, of course, I must have.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that really is cool. rust boy SO does not suck. You, however, do. --Your buddy Luke